Stop Drifting & Drop Anchor!

How do you know if you need to drop anchor:

  • You are drifting aimlessly
  • You are being sucked into random directions
  • A feeling of confusion
  • You are close to giving up on your dreams, or you have already
  • Unstable
  • Emotional
  • Desperate outbursts
  • Panic attacks
  • Impulsive
  • Irrational decisions
  • Throwing things overboard that you will need later

If you are experience 3 or more of the above, you really need to drop Anchor before it is too late.

How to start Anchoring?

  • Reconnect to your vision, dream or big Why
  • Choose to be rational and not emotional
  • Build quality relationships by valuing people in your day
  • Don’t operate from a place of despair
  • Remain calm and confident
  • Slow things down to do maintenance or repairs or preparation
  • Take courage and talk with people you trust
  • Get stability
  • Learn to ask for help (you only fail if you fail to get help)
  • Live your Passion statement with purpose

Start to Coach yourself:

  • Write 3 reasons why you started this vision, dream or big Why
  • Park your emotions and look at the facts
  • How can you shield yourself from toxic behaviour
  • How can you reduce the negatives of social media
  • Choose to find one delight in every day no matter how big or small
  • Create your 2 lists to get the results you want
    • What can I control? Choose to focus on this
    • What is out of my control? Choose not to waste energy stressing over this
  • Identify who can help you and decide on the top 3 questions you need help with or that the one important topic/thing. Contact the person and have a conversation
  • Make a poster of your top 5 Personal Core Values
  • Write out your passion statement and put it where you see it at least 10 times a day. Every time you see it say it out loud with gusto or with a fist pump into the air

Remember, you are the hero of your life’s story!

Choose to write a good story with your life!

Let Us Help You

Put Critical Anchors In Place

Step 1: Take Action

Using the form below book a free design session on Zoom.

Test and see if this is a good fit for you.

This way you can evaluate before paying for anything.

Step 2: Reflect

Evaluate if the free coaching session had a positive impact.

Decide if you would benefit from 3 more powerful coaching sessions.

Be aware that before each coaching session you will be required to complete an assessment.

All assessments are included in the affordable price of R1800.

Receive awesome coaching and immediately apply it to your personal & professional life.

Step 3: Pay only R1800

Coaching does not need to be expensive – all of these sessions for only R1800.

Book and confirm your additional 3 Zoom appointments.

Calm your storm and embrace your true power,

Live your best life ever!


Contact Amanda for coaching: Click here

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