About Amanda

About Amanda

Amanda Strydom

International Master Coach & Coach Trainer

Amanda is a go-getter, a vivacious woman with a passion for people and positive change. Mahatma Gandhi once said, “you must be the change that you want to see in the world.” Amanda clearly lives this and implements positive change through tailored education and coaching programs; thus creating the change the world needs.

As an international coach and consultant, Amanda has gained experience of over 23 years with a diverse client base, ranging from the age of 8 to 88yrs across niches. This is a clear sign that there are very few limitations when it comes to empowering people’s minds and lives through her unique blended approach.

Having lived and worked abroad Amanda has insight into different cultures, traditions, and religions. This is just one of the reasons why she is able to work effectively and help men and women from all walks of life.

During the earlier years of her career, Amanda completed explorative research about “how people change”. Looking specifically at the change an offender (ex-prisoner) goes through, when released back into family, business and community. As a result of this research, Amanda has built many programs, one of which is “Coaching With Impact” and advanced coach training program which includes credentialing by COMENSA (Coaching and Mentoring South Africa).

As a specialist in people change, Amanda continues to create successful programs. For example, in the corporate world, Amanda works alongside the Change Management Team (and Exco) and implements a Coaching program facilitating sustainable change with as little stress as possible. Some of her impact areas are, but not limited to, retrenchment coaching programs, merger people coaching, relationships, re-integration, health, entrepreneurs and Sports BTM to name a few. 

Change is our only constant in life and Amanda is really great at helping people ride the waves of change with joy and even grit when necessary.

Amanda Strydom

International Master Coach & Coach Trainer

Amanda is a go-getter, a vivacious woman with a passion for people and positive change. Mahatma Gandhi once said, “you must be the change that you want to see in the world.” Amanda clearly lives this and implements positive change through tailored education and coaching programs; thus creating the change the world needs.

As an international coach and consultant, her 20-year career and experience span locally and internationally with a diverse client base, ranging from the age of 8 and the oldest being over 80. This is a clear sign that there are very little limitations when it comes to empowering people’s minds and lives through her blended approach.

Having lived and worked abroad Amanda has insight into different cultures, traditions, and religions. This is just one of the reasons why she is able to work effectively and help men and women from all walks of life.

During the earlier years of her career, Amanda completed explorative research about “how people change”. Looking specifically at the change an offender (ex-prisoner) goes through, when released back into family, business and community. As a result of this research, Amanda has built many programs, one of which is “Coaching With Impact” and advanced coach training program which includes credentialing by COMENSA (Coaching and Mentoring South Africa).

As a specialist in people change, Amanda continues to create successful programs. For example, in the corporate world, Amanda works alongside the Change Management Team (and Exco) and implements a Coaching program facilitating sustainable change with as little stress as possible. Some of her impact areas are, but not limited to, retrenchment coaching programs, merger people coaching, relationships, re-integration, health, entrepreneurs and Sports BTM to name a few. 

Change is our only constant in life and Amanda is really great at helping people ride the waves of change with joy and even grit when necessary.

Amanda’s Mottos

Amanda’s Mottos

What’s Important to Amanda

What’s Important to Amanda’s
