Do you want to study or know more about Keto/LCHF? If so, please visit The Nutrition Network where you will learn about scientific facts, evidence and ways to eat healthy food and heal your body from things like Type II Diabetes, high BP and more. If you want to specialise as a Health Coach, you need to have some type of qualification before signing up for my course: Coaching with Impact: Specialising in Health Coaching. I can highly recommend the following as a good grounding:

  • Nutrition Network Advisor Training (for non medical people with a passion to help people eat right)
  • Professional Training in Keto/LCHF Nutrition and Treatment (for Medical doctors, Registered nurses, Dieticians, Nutritionists)

If you want to establish yourself as ‘low carb practitioners’ through a certified training course, Nutrition Network is the place to go. If you need peace of mind using an internationally recognised brand, backed by international specialists and scientists – this is the best way to get trained and certified.

Click the button below to browse all the Nutrition Network courses available – there is some free content too 🙂

Course Information


Course Instructor

Amanda Amanda Author


This course does not have any sections.

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